منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهري

مرحبا بكم في منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهىرى -منتدى مخصص لمنهج اللغة الإنجليزية لطبة الثانوية العامة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهري

مرحبا بكم في منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهىرى -منتدى مخصص لمنهج اللغة الإنجليزية لطبة الثانوية العامة

منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهري

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأستاذ عوض الجوهري

Educational Forum-مناهج اللغة الإنجليزية للثانوية العامة

    المنهج الجديد - الوحدات 10و11و12


    عدد المساهمات : 10
    نقاط : 4221
    تاريخ التسجيل : 06/11/2012

    المنهج الجديد - الوحدات 10و11و12 Empty المنهج الجديد - الوحدات 10و11و12

    مُساهمة  الاستاذ السبت 12 يناير 2013 - 22:16

    UNIT 10

    Key Vocab:

    fertile خصب genetically modified معدل وراثيا
    organic عضوي inorganic غير عضوي
    pesticide مبيد آفات spray يرش
    gene جين genetic engineering الهندسة الوراثية
    ingredients مكونات ripen ينضج
    rot يتعفن seeds بذور
    starvation مجاعة / الموت جوعا agriculture الزراعة
    fertilizer سماد starve يموت جوعا
    modify يعدل modification تعديل
    rotten متعفن carbohydrate الكربوهيدرات
    fat دهن protein البروتين


    amount = quantity كمية genetic structure التركيب الوراثي
    organic farming الزراعة العضوية farm (v./n.) يزرع / مزرعة
    soil التربة improve يحسن / يتحسن
    quality نوعية / جودة production الإنتاج
    consumption الاستهلاك hunter صياد
    nuts الجوز roots الجذور
    collect يجمع later فيما بعد
    method طريقة wild plants نباتات برية
    notice يلاحظ living things الكائنات الحية
    contain يحتوي علي laboratory معمل
    insect حشرة destroy يدمر / يتلف
    damage ضرر/ تلف/ يضر/ يتلف normal عادي
    do damage يسبب تلف modern science العلم الحديث
    crops المحاصيل attack يهاجم / هجوم
    healthy food طعام صحي frequently غالبا
    global warming الاحتباس الحراري vitamins الفيتامينات
    nutrition التغذية nutritious مغذي
    nourishment الغذاء malnutrition سوء التغذية
    meat اللحم cheese الجبن
    butter الزبد bread الخبز
    pasta العجائن (كأنواع المكرونة) fruit الفاكهة
    vegetables الخضروات disease resistant مقاوم للأمراض
    salt الملح market السوق
    high yield seeds بذور عالية الإنتاجية high yield crops محاصيل عالية الإنتاجية
    preservation حفظ cultivation الزراعة
    irrigation الري desertification التصحـر
    dental decay تسوس الأسنان flavour نكهة
    poison سم structure تركيب
    decay يتحلل / يتعفن cell خلية
    guarantee يضمن type=sort=kind نوع
    potential احتمال تطور scientific experiments التجارب العلمية
    supply يمد / يزود add يضيف
    addition إضافة additive مادة مضافة
    suppose يفترض modernize يُحدث / يجدد
    food shortage نقص الغذاء desert reclamation استصلاح الصحراء
    cut down يقلل concern يخص / يهم
    ranch مزرعة كبيرة food poisoning تسمم غذائي
    country borders حدود الدول digest يهضم
    digestion الهضم indigestion عسر الهضم
    swallow يبتلع breathe يتنفس
    breath النفس over time بمرور الوقت
    remove يزيل stream مجري ماء / يتدفق / يسيل
    dietician أخصائي تغذية genetic modification تعديل وراثي
    diet نظام خاص للتغذية

    Words and their antonyms:

    fertile خصب infertile غير خصب
    organic عضوي inorganic غير عضوي
    natural طبيعي unnatural غير طبيعي
    pros مزايا cons عيوب
    merits مزايا demerits عيوب
    pro مؤيد anti معارض
    responsible مسئول irresponsible غير مسئول
    healthy صحي unhealthy غير صحي
    successful ناجح unsuccessful غير ناجح
    agreement اتفاق disagreement اختلاف
    attractive جذاب unattractive غير جذاب


    spray with يرش باستخدام (مادة معينة) harmful to ضار لـ
    poisonous for سام لـ express opinion on/about يعبر عن رأي في
    be concerned to+inf. مهتم بـ be concerned with+n. مهتم بـ
    smile at يبتسم لـ lie to يكذب علي
    put genes into plants يضع جينات في النباتات bring down يقلل
    come round يزور resistant to مقاوم لـ
    life on earth الحياة علي الأرض lead to يؤدي إلي
    experiment on/with يجري تجربة علي rich in غني بـ

    Irregular Verbs:

    hold/held/held يمسك lay/laid/laid يضع
    hurt/hurt/hurt يصيب بأذى lead/led/led يقود
    keep/kept/kept يحفظ lean/leant/leant
    lean/leaned/leaned يميـل
    kneel/kneeled/kneeled يركع leap/leapt/leapt
    leap/leaped/leaped يقفز
    know/knew/known يعرف leave/left/left يترك

    noun adj. adv.
    rot يتعفن rotting تعفن rotten متعفن
    modify يعدل modification تعديل modified معدل
    gene جين
    genetics علم الوراثة genetic وراثي genetically وراثيا
    ripen ينضج ripe ناضج
    starve يموت جوعا starvation الموت جوعا starving
    يعاني من الجوع الشديد
    fertilize يسمد fertilizer سماد Fertilizedمخصب

    Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

    swine flu (H1N1) أنفلونزا الخنازير vaccine مصل
    epidemic وباء the backbone العمود الفقري
    digestive system الجهاز الهضمي respiratory system الجهاز التنفسي
    circulatory system الجهاز الدوري nervous system الجهاز العصبي
    skeleton هيكل عظمي intensive care العناية المركزة
    sample عينة complications مضاعفات / تعقيدات
    gland غدة fever الحمي

    Language Notes:
    •الفعل make يأتي بعده المصدر بدون to في المبني للمعلوم:
    •Make + inf. (active)يجبر / يلزم
    • They made him pay the money.
    •وفي المبني للمجهول يأتي بعد make المصدر + to:
    • He was made to pay the money.
    •Once = at some time in the past في وقت ما في الماضي / ذات مرة
    •Once = as soon as بمجرد أن
    •Once = one time مرة واحدة
    • Once, people were hunters. Their food came from animals. في وقت ما في الماضي
    • Once I get the news, I'll phone you. بمجرد أن
    • She visits her grandparents once every six months. مرة واحدة

    •So = very
    • I enjoyed the film very much / so much.

    •Such = very
    • He is such a clever boy.

    •هناك adverbs تنتهي بــ ly تستخدم بدلا من very وتعطي معني أقوي للجملة:
    extremely – fantastically – tremendously – greatly – incredibly – unbelievably – awfully – terribly
    •لاحظ أن awfully تستخدم غالبا مع : sorry
    • The mountain is extremely high.
    • He was incredibly rich.
    • I am awfully sorry for disturbing you.

    تستخدم so (بمعنى و كذلك......) في الجمل المثبتة لتجنب التكرار وفي هذه الحالة يأتي بعدها الفعل المساعد حسب زمن الجملة ثم الفاعل:

    •So + فعل مساعد + فاعل
    • Ali plays tennis. • Ahmed plays tennis.
    Ali plays tennis and so does Ahmed.
    • She knew the answer. •They knew the answer.
    She knew the answer and so did they.
    • Peter can swim. •John can swim.
    Peter can swim and so can John.
    •وفي حالة الجمل المنفية تستخدم neither (بمعنى ولا) بنفس الطريقة:
    •Neither + فعل مساعد + فاعل
    • I didn't know the truth. She didn't know the truth.
    I didn't know the truth and neither did she.
    • He couldn't climb the mountain. They couldn't climb it.
    He couldn't climb the mountain and neither could they.
    •Hope / Wish
    •يأتي بعد hope إما مضارع بسيط أو مستقبل:
    • I hope he passes / will pass the test.
    •ويمكن أن يأتي بعد hope المصدر + to:
    • I hope to win the first prize.

    •نستخدم بعد wish ماضي بسيط للتعبير عن التمني في الحاضر:
    • I don't have a camera. -I wish I had a camera.

    • People throw rubbish in the street.
    -I wish people didn't throw rubbish in the street.
    •وللتعبير عن التمني في الماضي نستخدم بعد wish زمن الماضي التام:
    • I failed the exam.
    • I wish I hadn't failed the exam. / I wish I had passed the exam.
    •وللتعبير عن التمني في المستقبل نستخدم بعد wish إما could مع الضمائر I/we أو would مع باقي الضمائر:
    • I wish I could see my friends tomorrow.
    I wish my friend would come to my party next week.

    •لاحظ استخدام ize لتكوين الفعل من بعض الكلمات:

    economyقتصاد economize computer computerize
    criticism نقد criticize familiar مألوف familiarize
    generalعام generalize memory ذاكر ة memorize
    modern حديث modernize Terrorإرهاب terrorize

    •وفي كل الكلمات السابقة يمكن استبدال حرف z بحرف s:
    Economize – modernize – terrorize

    •Like مثل / alike متشابه / look like يشبه
    •لاحظ أن like بمعني مثل تستخدم مع :Verb to be
    • She is not like her sister. = She is different from her sister.
    • She doesn't like her sister. = She hates her sister.

    •Alike = like each other
    •تستخدم alike بعد الأشياء أو الأشخاص الذين نتحدث عنهم ويسبقها فعل To be:
    • He and his brother are alike. He looks like his brother.
    •unlike مختلف عن – علي العكس من
    •Unlike his brother, he is very tall.
    •Unlike his brothers , he has blue eyes.

    Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes
    1-When fruit or other food (dots – shots – knots – rots), it is too bad to eat.
    2-Scientists can (qualify - modify – clarify – identify) crops by adding or removing certain genes.
    3-People who do not have enough food to eat may die of (starvation – sanitation – determination – nutrition).
    4-If you want to grow vegetables, you have to put (deeds – needs - seeds – reeds) in the ground.
    5-Farmers earn their money from (agriculture – culture – feature – literature).
    6-Look at the planes. They are (praying – playing – spraying – staying) the fields from the air.
    7-Rice is the main (grade – element – substance – ingredient) of tonight's dish.
    8-Some people believe that (volcanic – organic – electronic – titanic) fruit and vegetables are better for you than ones grown with chemical fertilizers.
    9-Some people are worried that genetically- (applied – classified – dried – modified) crops will bring diseases.
    10-Farmers use chemical (hormones – antiseptics – antibiotics – pesticides) to kill insects which attack their crops.
    11-My brother wants to study (gene – genetic – genetics – geneticists) at university.
    12-(Ripened – Rotten – Raw – Medium) fruit usually tastes sweet.
    13-This tomato is (ridden – risen – rotten – molten). I can't eat it.
    14-Scientists have made genetic (qualifications – modifications – classifications – clarifications) to some vegetables.
    15-Many people were very hungry after the storm. Some even began to (swerve – serve – starve – observe).
    16-(Unlike – Alike – Dislike – Look like) his brother, he's very arrogant.متكبر/متغطرس
    17-He passed the test and (so – either – neither – nor) did his brother.
    18-I wish the weather (was – were – is – had been) better yesterday.
    19-I'm (incredibly – unbelievably – fantastically – awfully) sorry for not coming on time.
    20-(Once – One – Ones – Twice) I've found somewhere to live I'll send you my address.
    21-Every night before going to bed, I (hope – wish – give – offer) my mother good night.
    22-My brother trained hard for the competition and I (hope – wish – offer – intend) he'll win.
    23-I (thought – wish – intend – hope) the weather improves soon.
    24-I (insist – hope – wish – intend) we could meet next week.
    25-I wish you (can – will – may – would) try listening to me for once.
    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1-This land is infertile. It can produce a large number of good crops.
    Carbons provide our bodies with heat and energy.
    2-Protein is an animal which helps us to grow and be healthy.
    3-A leaf is the part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow.
    4-Millions of people face salutation because they don't have enough to eat.
    5-I hope you good health.
    6-I wish getting a new job soon.
    7-She did the job well and neither did Hala.
    8-He can't use the computer and so can't I.
    9-The mountain is incredibly height.

    Who's / whose

    •Who's = who is + n. / v+ing / adj.
    •Who's = who has + PP.
    • Leila is the student who's working on this project with me.
    • My friend, who is a pilot, has always loved flying.
    •The man, who's done a lot of good work, will be given a reward.

    •Whose ضمير وصل يدل علي الملكية
    • That is the boy whose sister is a teacher.
    • My brother, whose friend is a Libyan engineer, is going to work in Tripoli.

    Choose the correct answer:
    1-The man (who – whose – who's – that) looking after our garden is too old.
    2-The woman (whose – who's – that's – what's) purse was stolen phoned the police.
    3-(Whose – What's – Who's – When) going to drive the kids to school?
    4-I'm not sure (who – whose – when – who's) coming to their party tonight.
    5-The Paul is the one (who – whom – who's – whose) going to make this team something special.
    6-I couldn't tell (who – whom – who's – whose) books were left on the table.
    7-Paul is the player (who – whom – who's – whose) skills will make this team something special.
    8-Ali was unsure (who – whom – who's – whose) office he was meant to go to.
    9-"(who – whom – who's – whose) stolen my wallet?"
    10-I'd like to know (whose – whom – who's – who) smelly socks these are.
    11-The doctor (who – whom – who's – whose) done the operation is very clever.
    12-The writer (who – who's – whom – whose) written a lot of novel will get an international award.
    13-I'd like to know (who's – whom – whose – when) in charge here.
    14-The man (that – whom – who's – whose) house overlooks the river hardly goes out.
    15-This is the man (that – who's – whose – what) been looking for you.
    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1-The man who's house collapsed during the earthquake was so sad.
    2-The boy whose written the e-mail is my cousin.
    3-The company who's employees went on strike closed down.
    4-This is the man whose works for the computer company.
    5-Nobody saw the thieves who's robbed the gas station.

    Question tags
    •السؤال المضاف للجملة معناه دائمـا "أليس كذلك؟"
    •السؤال يكون عكس الجملة في الإثبات و النفي.
    • في السؤال المضاف للجملة نستخدم دائما ضمير فاعل.
    • He’s a student, isn’t he?
    • He hasn’t got any money, has he?
    •لاحظ الحالات الشاذة الآتية:
    • تعبر let’s عن الاقتراح أما let us فتعبر عن طلب الإذن:
    • Let’s go, shall we?
    • Let us stay here, will you?

    • في حالة وجـود am نستخدم في السؤال aren’t وفي حالة وجود am not نستخدم am:
    • I am a teacher, aren’t I?
    • I am not a lawyer, am I?
    • لاحظ أن الكلمات everyone / someone / everybody / somebody /
    no one/ nobody يأتي بعدها فعل مفرد و يعود عليها الضمير "they"
    • Everyone has done the homework, haven’t they?
    • Everybody’s at the match, aren’t they?
    • Nobody saw the robbers, did they?

    • الكلمات something / everything / nothing يأتي بدلا منها في السؤال it:
    • Something has happened, hasn’t it?
    •الكلمات الآتية تعبر عن النفي ولذلك يكون السؤال مثبت:
    seldom / never / scarcely / neither / little / few / hardly / rarely / no longer
    • He no longer comes early, does he?
    • There’s hardly any food, is there?
    •في حالة الأمر المنفي نستخدم في السؤال will you :
    • Don’t open the door, will you?
    • في حالة الأمر المثبت نستخدم عادة won’t you و يمكن أيضا استخدام
    will you:
    • Close that door, won’t you?
    • لاحظ أن الجمل التي تبدأ بـ I think / I believe يكون السؤال المذيل على الجزء الثاني ولكن الجملة التي تبدأ بـ I don't think/I don't believe تعتبر منفية:
    • I think Hala will win the race, won’t she?
    •I don't think they are lazy, are they?
    • في حالة وجود have كفعل أساسي يمكن استخدام have أو do في السؤال:
    • He has a car, doesn’t he? (OR : hasn’t he?)
    •لاحظ استخدام Question tag مع التعبيرات الآتية :
    •You'd better leave, hadn't you?
    •You'd rather go, wouldn't you?
    •لاحظ استخدام there في السؤال المضاف للجملة :
    • There isn't any milk in the fridge, is there?
    •لاحظ استخدام it بدلا من this / that في السؤال :
    • This is not right, is it?
    •في حالة وجود IF يكون السؤال علي الجزء الثاني من الجملة(جواب الشرط) :
    • If she doesn't have a map, she'll get lost, won't she?

    Choose the correct answer:
    1-She's done a lot of good work, (isn't – doesn't – haven't – hasn't) she?
    2-If he comes early, he can catch the bus, (can – does – can't – won't) he?
    3-They dug the well,, (didn't – don't – hadn't – weren't) they?
    4-She'd rather stay home, (hadn't – wouldn't – couldn't – won't) she?
    5-She's going to finish her work early, (hasn't – wasn't – isn't – can't) she?
    6-We have earned a lot of money lately, (haven't – don't – aren't – shouldn't) we?
    7-Someone has watered the garden, (hasn't he – haven't we – don't they – haven't they)?
    8-Everything is O.K., (doesn't – wasn't – isn't – hasn't) it?
    9-He hardly does any useful work, (does he – doesn't he – don't we – haven't we)?
    10-Let's find somewhere else to stay, (will you – won't you – shall we – shan't we)?
    Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
    1-She didn't know the way to the station, was she?
    2-Nobody is here, isn't he?
    3-A lot of money has to be collected, have it?
    4-I don't think he'll pass the driving test, can't he?
    5-That's not the right answer, does it?

    Expressing Opinions

    Expressing Opinions Agreeing with opinions Disagreeing with opinions
    As far as I'm concerned, So do I / I do too. I don't./ I don't think so
    In my opinion, I agree (with you). I don't agree (with you)
    I'd say that .. You are (quite) right I disagree.
    It seems to me that .. I think so I'm not sure
    I think … I suppose so. Really!

    • As far as I'm concerned, the watch is more beautiful than that necklace.
    -I agree with you.

    • In my opinion, we should all do more exercise.
    -You are quite right.

    • I'd say that mountaineering is very dangerous.
    -I'm not sure.

    • It seems to me that Paris is a great city.
    -I don't think so.
    Respond to the following situations:
    1-A friend thinks that sugar and salt are bad for health. What do you say?
    2-Your father believes that countries should try to produce all their own food.
    3-Your sister thinks that many people today eat too much food.
    3-A friend thinks that we should all eat less and do more exercise.
    4-A school friend asks what you think of fast food. What do you say?
    5-Someone asks your opinion about the best places to buy food.
    6-Your mother asks what you think of food cooked at home. What do you say?
    7-Your friend believes that farmers have a very hard life. What do you say?
    8-Your brother thinks that it is dangerous to use a mobile phone while driving. What do you say.
    9-A housewife believes that food prices are going up all the time. What do you say?
    Test on Unit 10
    A- Language Functions
    1- Respond to the following situations:
    1-One of your friends eats food with too much fat in it. What do you say to him or her?
    2-A friend who has been ill asks for advice about food. Suggest fruit.
    3-A friend thinks biscuits and cakes are healthy foods. What do you say?
    4-Your teacher asks your opinion about using genetic engineering to improve crops. What do you say?
    2- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
    1- A-What's the matter?
    B- I can't sleep well and I have difficulty going up and down the stairs.
    A- Do you smoke?
    B- Yes, I smoke about 20 cigarettes a day.
    A- That's terrible. Let me examine your chest.
    2-A-May I see your ticket, please?
    B- Here you are.
    A- Seat 20A, the first row.
    B- Thank you. What time does the film start?
    A: At 6.30.
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3- Choose the correct answer:
    1-(Agriculture – Architecture – Acupuncture - Infrastructure) is the work of growing crops and feeding animals.
    2-A/An (academically – alphabetically – genetically - automatically)-modified crop is a type of crop changed by scientists.
    3-To (display – spray – decay – pray) means to make liquid come out in a stream of very small drops.
    4-A/An (fertilizer – organizer – bulldozer – freezer) is a thing which farmers put on soil to help plants to grow.
    5-A (germicide – suicide – herbicide - pesticide) is a chemical which is used to kill insects on crops.
    6-I get my brown hair and eyes from my parents - they're in my (genes – blood – muscles – lungs).
    7-Fruit is ready to eat when it has been (burned - ripened – robbed – stopped) by the sun.
    8-The main (lenient – obedient – client – ingredient) of the meal I am cooking is cheese.
    9-As (long – far – much – soon) as I'm concerned, there are too many cars in modern cities.
    10-Lisa, (who – who's – whose – that) in my class at school, is very good at English.
    11-That's the person (whose – which – who – who's) phone I borrowed when I lost mine.
    12-(As – So – Like – Unlike) far as I am concerned, the match was boring.
    13-She doesn't study hard and (so – neither – either – too) does her brother.
    14-I hope he (is getting – to get – will get – was got) the job he has applied for.
    15-Mount Everest is (credible – incredible – terrible – incredibly) high.
    16-I was made (to sign – signing – sign – signs) the papers.

    4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1-Electrical engineering is the science of changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to make it healthier or stronger.
    2-Automatic farming does not use chemical fertilizers.
    3-Sensation is suffering or death caused by lack of food.
    4-I'd talk that the government should make more efforts to solve this problem.
    5-The doctor who's clinic is next to the bank is very clever.
    6-I hope I am getting my university degree next month.
    C- Reading Comprehension
    5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
    It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted concerning appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may help to understand how to deal with weight problems. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44% said that they reacted to stressful situations by eating.
    A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food than non-obese people. When deprived of the variety and intensity of tastes, these people are not satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen with average-weight people.
    Answer the following questions:
    1- According to the text, how does a large percentage of people deal with stress?
    2- What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
    3- Why is overweight no longer thought of as healthy?

    Choose the correct answer:
    4-In the past, people believed that overweight was------------
    a)something good b)something bad
    c)unhealthy d)undesirable
    5-Some scientists believe that appetite is influenced by ---------------factors.
    a)biographic b)biochemical
    c)bacterial d)botanical

    6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
    Today, many people use natural ways to cure illnesses that don’t cause side effects. ‘Acupuncture’ and ‘biofeedback’ are two popular methods. Doctors have been using ‘acupuncture’ in China for over two thousand years. It involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that they were connected to different organs and could cure diseases.
    Doctors in China have used ‘acupuncture’ in major operations. Scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called ‘endorphin’ that helps to reduce the feeling of pain.
    ‘Biofeedback’ uses a technology to help people control their internal organs. For example, if a person has a problem with sleeping, he/she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then is asked to do some mental exercises to relax. When the brain activity falls and the person is relaxed, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercise can help him/her to reduce the activity of the brain.
    A. Answer the following questions:
    1-Why do many people prefer ‘acupuncture’ and ‘biofeedback’ to cure diseases?
    2-‘Biofeedback’ uses a technology to help people control their internal organs. Explain.
    3- What does the underlined word ‘they’ refer to?

    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4- Endorphin ………. The feeling of pain.
    a. increases b. grows c. decreases d. expands
    5- A person who has problems with sleeping is connected to a special computer to………..
    a. do written exercises b. show the activity of the brain
    c. try to relax d. do mental exercises
    7- Novel: Gulliver.
    A)Answer the following questions:-
    1- Why didn't Gulliver break his neck after the giant baby dropped him?
    2- The giant farmer and his wife were kind to Gulliver after the fall. What did they do with him?
    3- In the land of the giants, Gulliver dreamt of his family and felt very sad when he woke up. Do you think the bed he was sleeping on made him feel even more sad and lonely? Explain.
    4- How was Gulliver able to hurt the giant rat that attacked him?
    b Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
    "They'll want to pick him up and play with him. They might break his arms or drop him! I don't want him to perform to strangers."
    1 Who said this?
    2 To whom was it said?
    3 What do these words tell us about the speaker's feelings towards Gulliver?
    c Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
    1- Glumdalclitch was the name given to Gulliver.
    2 The King bought Gulliver from the farmer.
    D- Writing
    8- Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about
    The importance of healthy food and exercise
    9- A) Translate into Arabic:
    The problem of starvation affects many places in the world. the main reason why people are hungry is not that there is food shortage, but that methods of cultivation are not sufficiently advanced in some areas. Moreover, the food is not fairly distributed to all those who need it.
    B) Translate into English:
    1- تناول الكثير من الملح و الدهون و السكر ضار بالصحة، أليس كذلك؟
    2- إن استخدام التكنولوجيا والمعدات الحديثة في الزراعة يساعد علي إنتاج محاصيل أكثر.


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 28 أبريل 2024 - 17:08